‘Prentjes kijken’ heet dit schilderij van Piet Slager junior (1871-1938), die hier zijn vrouw en dochtertje portretteerde, begin 20e eeuw. Een liefdevol, bijna intiem portret van moeder en kind uit in ’s-Hertogenbosch.

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Happy Mother’s day to everyone who can call themselves a mom!❤️

Finally the bouquet with your choices of flower is finished!
The last flower added is my dear granny’s favorite flower; the sunflower.🌻

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I’m not a fan of growing older generally, but seeing all these full-grown men cycling around delivering flowers to their mothers, well, it gives me something to look forward to. .

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To all my friends

Whether you are a mom, have a mom or for your children's mom,

Love and hugs ❤

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Fijne moederdag! Happy Mother’s day!
Love you Mama!
© Iris van Gelder

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