
Apologies for the week break, but we're back in it and growing stronger!!

❀♰OshiMarks♰❀: 🕵👻
❀♰Memes and General♰❀:#mokafiles
❀♰NSWF Art Tag♰❀:#ectoglocc

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artfight post of the day!
Today's characters belong to.... Mokafish, , ArtistMira, and !

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lord help me i'm back on my bullshit
~Astral-Latte, ~Mokafish, ~tranio, and @/rangersna !!

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🌿Felicidades (#PimpiNella, ) y Chema García (Apellaniz&deSosa) por la selección en la convocatoria del .
🔹TETÚAN, Iratxe Fresneda / Participa: Gentzane Martínez.

🔸ESPÍRITU SAGRADO, Chema García / Participa: Marina Perales.

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🌿Zorionak (#PimpiNella, ) eta Chema García (Apellaniz&deSosa) antolatutako deialdian hautatu izateagatik.

🟣TETÚAN, Iratxe Fresneda / Participa: Gentzane Martínez.

🟢ESPÍRITU SAGRADO, Chema García / Participa: Marina Perales.

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Hello Twitter, I'm Mokafi, Freelancer artist from Facebook and Deviantart, here is i'll post my art more in here, some of my rants of things too :3

My L fanart

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