Depends by the OC. Probably Kolath would be the most suitable to beat the crap out of someone. She is meant to be op as shit by lore and she was made to defeat multiversal level creature.
This specific mass prod model can manipulate gravity, eletricity and cut on molecular level

0 3

Woah, the lack of braincells is on molecular levels.

Chill out
Even among your kind this is a shameful behavior.

Also, your words are “offensive” based on the X rules.
Be careful with the poor choice of words you use

0 5

Special thanks to collecting my piece 1/1 s "Molecular" and 2 piece "Explore" & "Headquarters" 🔥
Thank you so much for your support and purchase fam! I'm really aprecciate 🫡🔥🖤

10 31

Always keeping the nucleosome structure as a reference point, I make a new sketch, which this time looks a lot clearer and also includes the replication fork (bottom left) to set the scene in the correct molecular context - we're almost there!

0 10

I asked my students to do something creative regarding what takes place inside eukaryotic cells. THIS is why my job matters. I'm so proud of this student.

2 14

Sue with her complete control over the electrostatics on the molecular level. She would be taking electrostatic forces and creating a repulsive force between particles stronger than replicated with technology.

6 66

Molecular pathways linking adipose innervation to insulin action in obesity and diabetes mellitus.


54 222

Early science break.
Orion and the Running Man also known as M42, the Orion Nebula's glowing gas surrounds hot, young stars. About 40 light-years across, it lies at the edge of an immense interstellar molecular cloud only 1,500 light-years away.

6 17

New Paper:

Formation of the Holarctic Fauna: Dated molecular phylogenetic and biogeographic insights from the Quedius-lineage of Ground-Dwelling Rove Beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)

/w , , Thomas Simonsen, &

12 50

The omniscient speaker and the molecularly unstable guy.

2 13

Science break.
Requested by
This cosmic expanse of dust, gas, and stars covers some 6 degrees on the sky in the heroic constellation Perseus.
At the molecular cloud's estimated distance, this field of view would span over 90 light-years.

4 12

Which one is your favorite?

It is a matter of molecular

Thanks to

⏯️Molecular Valentines

7 52

Bats and dolphins evolved echolocation in the same way (down to the molecular level). An analysis revealed that 200 genes had independently changed in the same way and this is an extreme example of convergent evolution

[read more:]

1853 13644

Len is tutoring Nene in Molecular Biology.

7 66

Minori is tutoring Minori in Molecular Biology.

29 344

11 yo girl with a parietal bone lesion

No stains yet, but there is one most likely diagnosis

What is it and what is the most common molecular alteration?

51 128

Molecular pathways linking adipose innervation to insulin action in obesity and diabetes mellitus.


29 114

Orion, Head to Toe! 🤩 The Orion Molecular Cloud is 1600 light-years from Earth! The red star at his shoulder is Betelgeuse, the super blue giant Rigel is at his foot!

26 55