es mollよ~~~~~~~~~ん

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■ moll[ライブ]情報

4/6(木)大阪 Fireloop
4/16(日)東京 Adm
4/20(木)愛知 CLUB ROCK'N'ROLL
4/22(土)千葉 K's Dream
4/29(土)東京 Adm


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Moll(モル) 平和主義者
一人称:あたし 二人称:きみ


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moll (rebirth of mothra) as john everett millais’ ophelia

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ベートーベンの秘書シントラーが尋ねて曰く。 「先生っ『ピアノソナタ第17番 d-moll(ニ短)op.31-2』をどのように理解したらいいのでしょうか?」

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My timeline is full of rats. Anyone would think there’s a big 🧀 announcement tonight or something? Think I’ll treat my moll to a night out to celebrate.

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Després d'uns anys, tornarem a gaudir de la Lali Jove! 🙋‍♀️

📆 La tarda de dissabte 11 estarà dedicada als més joves amb tallers, xerrades i concerts al Moll de la Fusta. 🥳

Apunta-t'ho a l'agenda! 📝

Més informació ⤵️

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Moll3n here and i open commission slot.
If you intrested with my sample and want to order a commission you can contact me via dm or mail. ^^

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A commission for of his shepherd character Moll, going as a true four-legger. :)

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I’m Moll and I’m a full time cartoonist… who also does Pokemon commissions 👋

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\\ 年内LIVEは残り4本//

12/27(火)東京 下北沢


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His portraits are intense psychological studies & commanding in their presence. Hopefully more survive! Fred (1942), the Artist’s Daughter (1943), The Artist’s Children (c1940s) & Homage to Karl Moll (1949)

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I'm getting this piece done (art is by Nickeda Moll on IG) and I've been wanting something like this for ages xbhsakxvgsha I'm so happy!
Now I just need a friend who's willing to lend their character to complete the prompt lol

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Moll3n here and i open commission slot.
If you intrested with my sample and want to order a commission you can contact me via dm or mail. ^^

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✏️ Disseny de personatges de "S'Estol del Rei en Jaume" per l'Apima Porta des Moll.

✏️ Series of 9 illustrations of Mallorcan folk characters.

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