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Moltres and Zamazenta https://t.co/YJoDQ2oCgH
@Touyarokii I gotta go with Moltres and Kyogre. Team Mystic were genuinely just asshole players in my area so my enjoyment of Moltres grew far stronger as a result. And Kyogre because Sapphire was my first owned Pokemon game, and while Emerald is my all time favorite, Orca remains at heart💙
A new Pokémon Battle is starting
Exeggutor vs. Moltres
Choose the move:
#pokemon #pokemonbattle #pokemon27th #pokemonday
Tried Making Moltres Kiara.
How'd I do😎🥰
#takanashikiara #moltres #pokemon #holomon #ArtsOfAshes
No soy fan de Marnie para nada, pero es que ese outfit me tiene ENCANTADO 😍
Por eso la priorizaré a ella por sobre los demás nuevos compis del aniversario xD
Y también por que Moltres de Galar es mi favorito de los tres OwO
New sync pairs coming to #PokemonMasters:
-Marnie (Champion) & Moltres (Galarian Form)
-Hop (Champion) & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
-Bede (Champion) & Articuno (Galarian Form)
-Ball Guy & Amoonguss
Gloria & Thwackey will be the new trainer lodge pair.
Torchic & Lorelei Grid expan.
pokemon masters is good again they gave her galarian moltres also that’s a really cool design
i should keep these in one thread actually so here's two more. i sorely hope you can tell the prompts apart from the actual splices (kangaskhan/aron line and shedinja/moltres)
@orion_moonz mega absol, mega mawile, moltres (galar form)
and thats all im doing for now cause im tired
Some of my public fusions are in this generator. Here are the ones of mine you can find:
Sentret + Pidgey
Furret + Pidgeotto
Furret + Pidgeot
Dewgong + Torterra
Moltres + Palkia
Weedle + Ekans
Zapdos + Genesect
Doublade + Charizard
Below are my creations, public and private: https://t.co/JLdCdT6Od8