Articuno Moltres Zapdos P……Pidgey…??

It's my imagination (lol)

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"Zapdos and Moltres riding Articuno"

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I gotta go with Moltres and Kyogre. Team Mystic were genuinely just asshole players in my area so my enjoyment of Moltres grew far stronger as a result. And Kyogre because Sapphire was my first owned Pokemon game, and while Emerald is my all time favorite, Orca remains at heart💙

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A new Pokémon Battle is starting
Exeggutor vs. Moltres

Choose the move:

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slime birb :>
reuniclus + moltres fusion

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Version with just Moltres

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No soy fan de Marnie para nada, pero es que ese outfit me tiene ENCANTADO 😍
Por eso la priorizaré a ella por sobre los demás nuevos compis del aniversario xD
Y también por que Moltres de Galar es mi favorito de los tres OwO

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New sync pairs coming to

-Marnie (Champion) & Moltres (Galarian Form)
-Hop (Champion) & Zapdos (Galarian Form)
-Bede (Champion) & Articuno (Galarian Form)
-Ball Guy & Amoonguss

Gloria & Thwackey will be the new trainer lodge pair.
Torchic & Lorelei Grid expan.

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pokemon masters is good again they gave her galarian moltres also that’s a really cool design

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i should keep these in one thread actually so here's two more. i sorely hope you can tell the prompts apart from the actual splices (kangaskhan/aron line and shedinja/moltres)

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and thats all im doing for now cause im tired

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Some of my public fusions are in this generator. Here are the ones of mine you can find:

Sentret + Pidgey
Furret + Pidgeotto
Furret + Pidgeot
Dewgong + Torterra
Moltres + Palkia
Weedle + Ekans
Zapdos + Genesect
Doublade + Charizard

Below are my creations, public and private:

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