お休みしている間に、いろいろなことがありました。例えば、とても素敵な人たちに出会えたこと、学校の成績が良いこと、最高学年だけあって 英語の翻訳コンクールで優勝して一人勝ちしたこと。 スティーブン・キングの本を他言語に翻訳したこと。

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週表illust:@ KamomiruMikan

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週表illust:@ KamomiruMikan

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New Momiru stands to add to the collection ✨️ this just became my new favorite collab 😍

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Momiru and Chomiru get their icons! 💗🤎

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✨4. Momiru🐾
Your local tea-loving nekomata - she is a curious sort that loves to learn about people that come into her tea shop. An avid catnip and chamomile tea enjoyer, she is frequently found napping in a pile of blankets.

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In 2022 I'm going to commission more Momiru art! Following the wise , "if there is no art of your rare pair, commission your own" 😤😤

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Two commission pieces for the lovely of her OC's Momiru and Mae~
I hope you like them ;v;
Commissions are still open! Please see the pinned tweet for more examples and prices! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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Arisaki, yukeru, momiru and tohrin. Also I used to really ship kimi with kakeru


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Momiru gives me serotonin and is my top ship after Kyoru. But Tohrin and Yukeru are super cute! https://t.co/I1AkH47KQh

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Ahh, have my silly nekomata, Momiru! (ꈍ∀ꈍ)

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MY COMMISSION IS DONE!!! I love Kyoru but I also love me some Momiru ❤❤ Thank you so much !! I love it so much ❤❤😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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Momiru & Chomiru! 2 aliens made out of milk that crashed to earth with the other imitators and are excited to navigate earth life! They are bffs and share a brain cell, w/ chomiru hoarding the brain cell. They love cows, and fast food. Momiru can be surprisingly scary sometimes 2

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Such beautiful art done by (+18) - thank you for taking this commission! 💕💗💖💝

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Hello~! I'm Momiru-san, your local goofy nekomata that loves tea and getting cozy. I hope to make more vtuber friends as I start ramping up towards streaming silly games! (=╹ㅅ╹=)

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