When you become an expert at eating with one hand.

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When you're obsessed with your baby's toes and can't stop kissing them!

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The first time getting on the plane first because you have a baby!

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When your parents gift you a makeover while taking care of the baby and you feel amazing!

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When you wake up and your baby is sleeping peacefully next to your husband and your heart melts! ❤️

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hen you are exhausted from parenting but you smell your baby and you fall in love with her again!

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When you take a nap with your baby and even though she is the smallest there she finds a way to take up the most space!

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When you are feeling down and you weigh yourself and realize you lost weight due to carrying your baby around. Happiness!!

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When your baby finally sleeps through the night but you still get up to make sure she is OK!

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When your baby finally falls asleep after 2 hours of stress crying but you realize you have to pee...

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Watching your baby sleeping peacefully and forgetting all the hard times!

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When your kid gives you a paper saying "I LOVE YOU" for the first time and your heart melts!

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When your baby is crying and the only thing that will calm her is to dance holding her tight.

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When you give your baby the first bath and your heart melts with love forever!

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Your baby is going through a growth spurt and waking up every 2 hours. Simply cuddle up in the bed and think happy thoughts!

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When your baby will only nurse if you hold her and walk around while she drinks. Just see it as an extra workout!

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