This week's is old Friend Owl from the Disney version of Bambi. The images shown here are from the book version of the Disney film 'Walt Disney’s Bambi,' retold by Idella Purnell, published in Boston by D.C. Heath and Co. in 1944. More:

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Indian Scops Owl 🦉 (Otus bakkamoena) is staring down Monday like it's a tasty grasshopper 🦗. from Indian Zoology (1769) by Thomas Pennant. Via with thanks to for digitizing: --

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When the Monday morning coffee just isn't helping, Tawny (Strix aluco) will join in for an afternoon cup. from J.A. Naumann's Naturgeschichte der Vögel Deutschlands (1820-60). View more in via :

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When you're left out of the Monday lunch invitation... knows how you feel! Oriental Scops-owls (Otus sunia) signed by Henry C. Richter and John Gould for Gould's Birds of Asia, Vol. 1 (1850-83). View in via :

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Here's some for ya! They come from our mid-19th-century edition of 'The Naturalist’s Library,' edited by noted American physician and naturalist Augustus Addison Gould, and published in New York with 400 engravings. More owls here:

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This week’s owl comes from the printer’s mark of the Geneva printing bothers Pierre and Jacques Chouët as it appears on the title page of their 1621 printing of 'Sextou Empeirikou ta Sōzomena...'

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Yesterday's is doing her own thing no matter what you say! Do you, owl!

This screech owl comes from 'The Little Woodcock' by Berniece Freschet with illustrations by Leonard Weisgard. Learn more here:

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These aristocratic owls seem quite motivated this Monday to dis you. Great Grey Owl is all “My word! A parvenu!” while Snowy Owl just puffs up her chest & looks down her beak at you!

Learn more about these owls here:

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It's owl time! Who's ready to be as motivated as these owls Screech Owls with a rat?! These owls are from Rex Brasher's 'Birds and Trees of North America.' Learn more here:

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This was dragging us into Monday 🙄 At least we'll have a to pep us up! See more Sunday:

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Our started a school! If you're starting school this week, try to emulate Ernest's eagerness!

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Screech Owl says: "Listen, I know it's 90 degrees outside, but COME ON! No more excuses!"

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It's snowing again in Milwaukee and these owls are so motivated by it.

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