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A little lotus leshy who so happens to be a monk c:

31 136

Congrats Liz and thank you for the tag!! ♥

I'm Anni, and these are my three chaos girls Leona (Human Storm Barbarian), Levida (Human Life Cleric) and Gloom (Tiefling Death Monk). I'm currently working on redoing their designs and i want to design more characters this year!

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👀 Event 2 Ticket NFT

24 hrs - 3 winners

1 Monk, Ninja, & Samurai🐉
Join the battle event, this Friday🥷

More info https://t.co/0XKeUvD7tM

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47 50

These are amazing! They would fit my dragon monk soooo well. She's all about the fire aesthetic :D

0 3

This Bobby Grungkowski. My monk barbarian. He is really good at pushing people

2 47

Started with the simple idea of leveling monk a bit more so my retainer could keep leveling. Turned into an obsession to reach 50 so D'azri could wear this pvp monk set. Mission accomplished tonight! 💪

4 9

So close he is a Monk but he's an Apeling! ^^

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Atlas, my monk for a roleplay 🥩

1 8

This tree monk feels so alive.. like it’s breathing. I’m really willing to learn more about and how to sell my own artworks! Please anyone with a bit of info kind enough to share

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Firo, a quiet and reposed monk, who's past is a complete mystery to the people around him. His eyes can read through lies, and he knows to trust his own judgement.

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so, this is the party for the D&D stream has planned. I've decided to give ya a sneak peak and also to ask ya'll a question! So, the party has a Monk, a Cleric, a Warlock, a Rogue and a Druid. WHO THE FUCK IS WHO? please comment below with dem answers, i need to know!

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The arrogant sorcerer never know, next moment,he will be beaten by this humble little monk…
I started to wonder if the future game had them, how would the designers redesign them~maybe, mk2 skin would be back?😛

6 55

Shout out to for picking RPGPIXEL- Class 2 monk Thank you so much for love and support Friends

RPGPIXEL on Opensea https://t.co/JWb89IiJsL

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