Dante Monsanto Inari Hamato, He/They,
Youngest Hamato cousin, tall as Raph, temperamental as Quarry, has neither his mom's venom, nor his dad's shell, but he's the one you go to if you want something to be hit very very hard

3 31

Gilbert Monsanto creates magic again! This is a seven-character crossover piece, on which Dojo Kun Comics' very own Lone Shark is front and center!

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The Monsanto monoliths are always surrounded by fields of crops, that seemingly never die...

3 9

Got this amazing image from Gilbert Monsanto o . It features out Starcore battling .mike 's Stateman and Brian Menard's Insekt III. I think it came our great.

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Meet the latest recruits...

above art by Gilbert Monsanto!
Who are these all-new, all-different, G-Men? You can find out in the pages of Simon N. Kirby, The Agent



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Paragon versus Grindstone!
Artwork by the always amazing Gilbert Monsanto.
Grindstone © Mike Spagnola
Paragon © Dave Brink

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Ethos, by Gilbert Monsanto.

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Trident's New Alliance by the amazing artist Gilbert Monsanto! This team comic book will follow the four-issue mini-series Deanna, Hammer of the Angels. DHotA will debut on IGG later in 2022! Be here for the great indie comics from Dojo Kun Comics! https://t.co/S8hIwAyNPe

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"A Alemanha pretende endurecer o discurso contra o DESMATAMENTO na Amazônia".Legal.

Aí vc lembra da BAYERN, q vende no 🇧🇷 agrotóxico proibido no mundo todo pra ser usado na amazônia pra controlar pragas das Lavouras de soja transgênica da MONSANTO, q foi comprada pela... BAYERN!

149 1176

>Im sorry ma'am our store specifically only sells GMO Enriched, Quadruple Bleached White Bread made in mass quantity by the Monsanto Corporation that is enriched with HFCS, Palm Oil and Sugar. Please return that Baguette to the dumpster you found it in.

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Discovery, Heidi Monsant, Acrylic on Paper, 2021 - /u/HeidiMonsant


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La historia del laureado científico peñista que abrió México… a Monsanto y Bayer

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The Flying Dutchman by Gilbert Monsanto.

3 13

Guardian 2010: The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is being heavily criticised in Africa and the US for getting into bed not just with notorious company but also with agribusiness commodity giant https://t.co/iVIlxw5XaL https://t.co/gEQyKKInVI

10 26

The trash one's are great. "John Deere & Monsanto present Starcraft" was terrible, but great. There were few that I thought were bad through & through.

Probably "Baby Hitman the Hitman Who Kills Babies" I felt had few redeeming qualities and a really bad message.

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. が、レジェンド1位を獲得したクトゥーンプリースト。



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When you live next door to Monsanto

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