Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.
__🖊️Anais Nin

🖼️Our Lily-The Dancer taken by Bohumil Kröhn from Praha (Prague)1937
🖼️Arum Lily taken by Felix Man, produced by Stefan Lorant 1937

The synergy between these two pictures is visually stunning!

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Fernand Monsparkle

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パッと見でゲスナスビ要素がわかりにくいと思ったので、後ろにリボンを付けているゲスナスビ伯爵ことCount de Monsparkleにしてあるんだよ。

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Count of Monte Rainbowに刺されそうなFernand Monsparkle.png

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with Flutterdash, continues. Shycedes miss her lover, as the evil Monsparkle smiles. Art

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