Update: "Just Chillin"

Nothing like a relaxing vacation to get away from it all (Happy April Fools, y'all)

**NEW!** I made a Tumblr: https://t.co/aCduedE5G0

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Update! "Danger Is Not Company Policy"

You have to admire a boss who disintegrates matter to uphold safety

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Update! "Business on the Beach"

Something feels out of order...

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Update! "Kosmo's"

It's always nice to see familiar faces again

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I'd love to join! I draw Pokémon art and a quasi-parody webcomic called Monvana. Here's some of my art!

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obvious joke is obvious

I do think these two would get along tho

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What's next in the world of MONVANA? Stay tuned to find out!

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S3E13: Time To Go
This evil team of bandits has been made possible by donations from viewers like you

Thank you

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I've always loved drawing, and I'd love to get into freelance storyboarding, possibly animation as well.
I make a webcomic called Monvana (which you can read at ) and I've been having a blast with it!

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Our journey into the subconscious begins

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The day job makes it tough to be algorithm-friendly, but I still work on Monvana whenever I'm able!

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There's a joke in here somewhere about the acid content of Trisanthemum's soil

TAPAS: https://t.co/yI33yP4Kgv
WEBTOON: https://t.co/p86i9aQ1sU
INSTAGRAM: https://t.co/ld55gb9ugC
FACEBOOK: https://t.co/fZ1dv2kk1u

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Art extras:
Here's a couple of isolated night skies used in previous comic backgrounds!

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This is typically how I socialize and it's worked moderately well so far


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Adhesiveduck has been brought to you by DRÜL Brand Energy Drink. Get thirsty for DRÜL!


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We arrive at the sunny docks, where our ship is ready to set sail.


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I'm Zach and I work at an Amazon warehouse. I draw MONVANA, a comedy take on battle monster franchises like Pokémon, Digimon, and Full House. You can find it at these fine establishments:
🍊 Tapas: https://t.co/fBQPwNsoAw
🟩 Webtoon: https://t.co/wTv0BSVZSJ
🐦 Twitter:

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Go check out the MONVANADEX, at: https://t.co/UrlcOfNKQc for a handy-dandy guide to all the 'mons appearing in MONVANA. Stay tuned!

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Here's an early Thanksgiving present - an extra-long MONVANA update!

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