day 26: Acidic. Don't know why this was the first thing that I thought of😅

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day 25: Toy. A Seedot as a spinning top. Poor thing gets dizzy ;w;

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day 23: Alien. A little space Joltik :3

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day 22: Ceramic. It's a Burmy in a flowerpot...not very creative :/

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day 21: Liquid. A Solosis inside a bubble full of water

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day 20: Beautiful. This one was hard to come up with. Cubchu is already cute so I just gave it a cute little outfit😅

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day 19. Geometric. I'll be honest, I had to look up on Google what it meant😅 I think this turned out okay despite not knowing what I was doing🤔

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day 17: Feline. It's Growlithe but as a cat...that's it😅

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day 16: Volcanic. A Crustle that leaks out lava. I think I'm running out of ideas :/

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day 15: Medieval. I could have cheated and just used my blade entry again but I decided not to. I don't know what I was thinking with this design😅

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day 13: Monstrous. What the f**k did I make?! 😰

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day 11: Bubble. I don't why I had the idea of a Bidoof with bubbles on it's back owo'

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day 10: Lucky. A Vileplume as a 4 leaf clover instead of a flower

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day 7: Swamp. A little Diglett poking out of the water. I won't be able to use my computer much next week so I'm drawing some of these in advance

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day 5: Blade. Meet Sir Inkalot aka. Inkay

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day 4: Cyber. A robotic Larvesta

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day 3: Withered. I feel bad about this one, poor Bellsprout ;3; </3

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day 2: Musical. A trumpet Horsea

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I meant to post this earlier but got distracted owo' I'm going to try a take part it Day one is Fruit so I drew Dedenne as a cherry :3

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