kuzii_draw IG post

The story of how I filmed with a singer - Part 2

Yes.. ! That person is Moonbyul!!
It was an interesting experience that made my heart flutter⭐️
You may view the video on 'Moonbyul2da' Youtube or from the link in my profile><Kkya~~

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kuzii_draw ig (Kakao artist who guested on Moonbyul2da)

Yes!...that person is Moonbyul-nim!!
It was a very exciting & interesting experience⭐
You can check out the video on "Moonbyul2da" or the link in my profile><kyaa~~


133 300

Kakao emoticon artist who appeared on Moonbyul2da story of how she got casted for Moonbyul2da

1. A story of when I filmed something with a singer who could it be?
2. One day I suddenly got a message
3. I was casted/invited to film for a celebrity's youtube video!

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I'm still amused at her camping video. ahahaha

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