Labramon, Mikémon, Moosemon, and Madomon!

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Os presento a (O Deermon), una subespecie de basada en un ciervo.

Nivel: Infantil
Atributo: Datos
Familias: Espíritus De La Naturaleza, Cazadores De Virus

Evolucionada de:
Evoluciona a:

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Os presento a Cernunnosmon. Protagonista del libro que cerrará mi trilogía, de nombre provisional "Digimon: Dawn Knights".

Nivel: Definitivo
Atributo: Datos
Familia: Espíritus de la Naturaleza, Guardianes del Viento

Es la evolución final de Moosemon.

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*Technically* this is called Moosemon but!

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Digi OC doodles (pt. 2) Too many inside jokes, but hopefully they are fun anyway.😆 (The Youkomon was me trying to decide on a scars design for him.)

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Any Digimon nerds out there who like evo line stuff? 🙂 My friends and I made some Digi OCs and I ended up designing all mine and their entire line, haha.

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Moosemon is revered as the "Guardian Deity of the Mountains", and if someone that desecrates the mountain where it lives appears, it will try to defend it until the very end, even if it shortens its life.

Suggested by leave your suggestion below!

37 135

¡Pues ha sido un Perfect esta vez! El Moosemon de ha digievolucionado en Mammothmon (de un mamífero cuadrúpedo a otro), y parece que su evolución final va a ser "mortal" 🦣

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[Draw something in other version]

Base : Moosemon (Digimon)
**Anthro version**

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Tylomon give me that feeling of Moosemon and Rinkmon, in which it's skills may make it work as a Perfect Level, but i personally prefer it as an Adult.

Opossumon links as Makuramon's Adult, Hunters make it evolve into Cho·Hakkaimon and it feels good as a Tyutyumon evolution.

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As I said before, Gururumon -> Moosemon feels kinda nice to me, I like the flexibility of the armor level.

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Moosemon is kinda deified, and it has great skills, so I think it works great as a Perfect level, the blades on it's back kinda reminds me with it's color scheme of the ones Gururumon has.

Harpymon is a wonderful Adult, it works great with Hippogriffomon, Shutumon and Silphymon.

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why did I forgot to post this, I draw this forever ago

Moosemon but I draw him like Beastars character

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moosemon! I'm actually pretty happy with how this one turned out (quagsire gsc palette)

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