This flag design really seems to get a lot of disproportionate hate and I can’t quite put my
morbhead finger on why.

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Ahhhh im gonna morb
Morgan freeman is an obvious morbhead so I morbd a picture of him mid morb

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Alright now it's our turn!! After watching the masterpiece that is Morbius, I was AWASH in the need to create a piece that showed how the movie impacted me. This one goes out especially to my and

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Sorry to all the out there, but this time I had to draw Doctor Strange. It was my first time drawing this mystic dude, and it was fun. Hope you folks think so too!

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This drawing goes out to all you true I’ve been invested in the great piece of cinema that is since day one and I’ve been meaning to take part in the recent I say this to everyone who hasn’t seen it, you owe it to yourself to

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ty for coming to my stream sorry about the trolls in my games BUT WE WILL BE STRONGER NEXT TIME MORBHEADS

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a typical conversation between a morbius hater and a true morbhead

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just found an account that blocked me, i am forever broken.

morbius arc begin, rise up fellow morbheads.

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can u believe cap'n is singlehandedly responsible for one morbillion tickets to morbius? i can. he's a

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