Oooh ok. Here's Mærra, Morgwaine and Suthri (they/them)

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Ooh I hope it's ok I share my babies? There's Morgwaine (black hair) Vinala (purple hair, art by Wailing_Willow) and Styx (she/they, art by twoshortswords)

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Wanted to share this art of Morgwaine that the wonderful did, as part of an art trade. He even included her lyrium gauntlet 😍

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I only have screenshots of my Dragon age OC's and one art of my D&D babies. So from left to right: Klarke/Velanna/Yrïka/Morgwaine/Mahariel and Aësira. Then there's Vinala and Helion. (Art by SunMarie) they're my d&d characters

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