Ten-hut! Here’s my take on iconic character Beetle Bailey, in honor of the birthday of his creator, the late, great cartoonist Mort Walker.

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📚📰 beetle bailey

今日の👨‍🎨お絵描きは、架空の陸軍基地⛺キャンプスワンピーを舞台にしたアメコミの です❗( ̄^ ̄ゞ

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After the full-deviation of Felixies, the 2nd part of Felix The Cat designs, by Otto Messmer, Joe Oriolo or Mort Walker's sons between 1940s to 1984.

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Sam's strip was new to me, really enjoyed. Lovely line work from

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I'm sure many will remember good ole What you may not know is that his creator, passed away earlier this year. At the age of 94, he was still drawing the strip, with the assistance of a few others.

R.I.P. Mort Walker (1923-2018), thanks for the laughs.

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RIP Mort Walker. Just found out today that he'd passed, so I drew this.

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We were saddened to hear of the great Mort Walkers passing. He was an amazing cartoonist who will never be forgotten!

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Meeting was a highlight of joining the National Cartoonists Society. He was a legendary cartoonist and a gentleman. He will be missed.

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