These two. Let’s not talk about how I actually had an RP blog for Morvok (the second one) and my bad edits actually show up immediately in google images cjcndjx

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unimportant, unrelated & unnecessary ship idea!
but I like to think that Lotor and Morvok where secretly gay for each other and that's why Morvok was on the game show with him! Lotor had his little boyfriend with him and his parents in the game together! lmao! dumb but cute idea

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everyone else who watched voltron fell in love with the paladins or the alteans..

this is what my lame ass falls in love with lol!!
all these galra's, especially morvok, idk whats wrong with me! LOL!! I just love them all!

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my only takeaway from the game show ep was that lotor and morvok are best friends, actually, and are currently on vacation planet sipping space margaritas.

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A birthday gift for my good friendo who got me into Galra hell. 💕

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