Thank you very much for your loving message 😊
In Islamic architecture, your soul is caressed, Islamic mosques often have beautiful architecture. Japanese people like Islamic architecture very much, which is very respectable for me.

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so.... I asked Midjourney to conjure several mosques done in the style of :
1- Eero Saarinen
2- H.R Giger
3- Wes Anderson
4- Mies Van Der Rohe
(in sequence)

Wes Anderson's is pretty much spot on.
Eero Saarinen too.

5 28

Nicole Watterson

La mamá más poderosa del mundo de Gumball después de Richard (aunquetodossabemosquesevuelvepoderosoconsolotenerunempleolocualesmuymuyMUYraro)

En fin :3

Siganme en mis redes :::3

Mi Facepage: Proclasti-bujante

4 13

Open those that contemplate the invisible
So no mosques or temples or idols remain,
So ‘this’ or ‘that’ is drowned in His fire.

—translated by Andrew Harvey

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Atenció, famílies! No us perdeu l'activitat "Caçamosques a Girona" demà dissabte a les 17 h. Lloc de trobada: Plaça de Sant Feliu. Us ho passareu la mar de bé!

5 7

🔎 🪰 Coneixeu la llegenda de les mosques de Sant Narcís? Poseu a prova els vostres coneixements i habilitats en aquest joc de pistes per Girona!

📅 5.11.22
⏰ 17 h
➕ 6 a


1 5

Caçamosques a Girona!
Coneixeu la llegenda de les mosques de Sant Narcís?
Poseu a prova els vostres coneixements i habilitats en aquest joc de pistes per Girona!

📅 5 de novembre, 17h.
📍 Pl. Sant Feliu

3 4

Noooo iris no no hacemos nada fijate que ahora mismo me iba al baño jaja porfavorvetetenemosquesalvartedetusdemonios

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😂 I understand the problem, even if I believe that art transcends religions. After all there are many atheists who visit churches and mosques for the love of art. Anyway, here is another proposal:

3 7

The inspiration these artists take seem to be from several countries, going from India, all the way across other Asian countries and several North African countries as well, and tend to be hinted at as Muslim countries, with scenery inside or in front of Mosques or Taj Mahal

25 518

Made an art for (#Instagram) as search is on. Apparently, has a with the same name as the character:

(Also read Maria the Vampire Princess FREE on today.)

0 2

“I look in temples, churches, & mosques. But I found the divine within my heart.” — Rumi

5 11

Vamosquesisepuede, solo 14 cositas mas y tengo mi xiang lvl 60

0 1

An extremely rare Circa 1662 Seascape of historic record,"Port of Constantinople (Istanbul) with ancient Light Tower,distant Mosques and Forts" by Michiel or Michael Sweerts (29 Sept 1618–1 June 1664) Flemish painter-Sweerts was one of the few European artists to visit the City🧑‍🎨

3 28

Did you know Alisher Navâi (Herat, 1441-1501 AD) founded, restored, or endowed some 370 mosques, madrasas, libraries, hospitals, caravanserais, and other educational, pious, and charitable institutions in Khorasan?

48 292

You are not muslim, you are liars!

Once again, we witnessed the hypocrisy, lies of Muslim world on Uyghur issue.
China destroys Mosques, kills Imams, burn Qurans, forces Uyghur women to marry Chinese, ban Islam, force them to eat porks.
But No voice from Muslim nations at UN.

17 44

Want to confidently teach about Islam in RE? It’s about much more than drawing and labelling pictures of mosques, says Lat Blaylock

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Want to confidently teach about Islam in RE? It’s about much more than drawing and labelling pictures of mosques, says Lat Blaylock...

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