Happy belated birthday to my favorites series of all time! Better late than never! Really happy how this turned out!

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エンディングまで 泣くんじゃない!


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Heeey guess who's late once again for something yay. Anyways, Mother's 30th anniversary, and I hope that I am not too annoying with drawings of this series.

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I'm actually kinda proud of how this came out

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[ ] ness is late but !!!!!! he's gotta celebrate the birthday boy!!!!!!!!!!! wahoo!!!!!!!!! happy late annivrsy art!!!!!

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happy (2 days late) 30th birthday mother! the games are so weird and fun (and emotional!) and despite it being a sort of an obscure series, it's quickly become one of my favorites... thanks for bein awesome, mother series 😎

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めちゃくちゃに遅刻したけど祝わせて……😇 ちょっと不思議で怖いけどあたたかい冒険、そんなMOTHERがすきです!30周年おめでとうございます🎉

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MOTHER30thおめでとうございます !🎉

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mother is really good so far :>
can't believe it's 30 already !! 💗💕

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Here's Ninten for the anniversary

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It's been too hot to stream but here are all the thumbnail images of the Earthbound kids, including the Dead versions of Ness.

Yeah this is Mother 2 but I love all of

You can see my Earthbound Paula Playthrough on my youtube> https://t.co/qVd7ENWurH

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