Guess what day it is today🎉
Yes, it's a day to promote languages!

Usually, International Mother Language day is used to encourage language preservation.

But are you a true fantasy fan if you can't say hello in any fantasy language?

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মায়ের কোলে আদর মেখে পড়তে বসা,
প্রথম শেখা আমাদের আ মরি মাতৃভাষা।

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পাতার মধ্যে দিয়ে বিকেলের রোদটা যেরকম পুকুরঘাটের উপর লুকোচুরি খেলে, কচুপাতার উপর শেষ শীতের অল্প শিশির ঝিকমিক করে ওঠে , কাচাঁমিঠে আম নুনলঙ্কার মাখিয়ে যেমন লাগে, আমাদের মাতৃভাষাও তেমন। ভায়ের মায়ের স্নেহের মতো। সবার কাছেই তার মাতৃভাষা হয়তো এমনই

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Read 'মনিপুরি (মীতৈলোন)দ 'লৈম'জ ৱিনতর' পাবিয়ু' by Laishram Jamuna for

Translated from Manipuri (Meeteilon) by Akoijam Malemnganbi.

Illustration by Rohini Mani! 👈

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It's ! What's your mother language? We have agents and artists who speak French, Spanish, English, German, and more!

by Julia Wytrazek

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Google approached me to do an illustration for one of the most beautiful word in Malayalam - ‘Amma’ (means Mother ) on the occasion of Honored to represent my home as part of this Google initiative.

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How to figure out what European language you are reading! 👇

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21 Feb, “International Mother language Day “
This is my new illustration for today. What is your mother language?

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Happy International Mother Language Day! "Halo anak baik!" is how we say "Hello Goodboy" in our mother language 🇮🇩
Tell us about yours! Is it English? Korean? Spanish? Java? C++? 👀
How do you say "Hello Goodboy" in your language?

10 22

মায়ের কোলে আদর মেখে পড়তে বসা,
প্রথম শেখা আমাদের আ-মরি মাতৃভাষা।

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Selamat Pagi!
Good morning!
좋은 아침!!

Selamat Hari Bahasa Ibu Internasional 2022!! (≧∇≦)/

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I feel that the beauty of each is outstanding because of the different things.

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We're teaming up with to promote Nubian languages, starting with type design! This we’d like to show you Faras and Sawarda, two typefaces for modern languages based on the Old Nubian manuscript tradition. (1/6)

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👇 How to figure out what European language you are reading!

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21 Feb was declared as the by UNESCO in 1999,
in tribute to the Language Movement done by the Bangladeshis (then the East Pakistanis): on Feb 21, 1952, several Beng. students were killed by Pakist. police while protesting.

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Happy !

Great map showing the world's most common languages and where they are spoken.

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