9 nominations for Liway at this year's Luna Awards!!! See full list of nominees here https://t.co/IgXzS1Wdy2…/mov…/244801-list-luna-awards-nominees-2019 |

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drops a new poster and trailer!
The movie is just over a month away! When oh when will tickets go on sale?
Did you catch the new trailer? I didn’t wanna’ post any pictures from it in case some people are avoiding trailers before the mov… https://t.co/iDNJxWwuP0

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お一人様 3 ヶまで。(同一住所、あみあみ本店支店合わせての制限数です)


mov… [楽天] https://t.co/XBvI1MGYAV

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Your daily dose of culture courtesy of Starship Invasions (1977) - "It is not technology which determines whether or not communication is authentic, but rather the human heart and our capacity to use wisely the means at our disposal." - Pope Francis https://t.co/YD42gcFvup

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I'm not too sure as to why I spent last night drawing pretzels, but I did 💕

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Superheroes are always a hard one for me but how you can say no to Wonder Woman? Specially with that great new mov… https://t.co/WSLcgyDVlV

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The movie version of Black Panther's suit for Civil War was really awesome. What other mov… https://t.co/RipQj4WonS

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Now I know the top priority of this country is education.

It is easier to give up and mov… https://t.co/wm4DJrymGb

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Now I know the top priority of this country is education.

It is easier to give up and mov… https://t.co/wm4DJrymGb

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【YouTubeクラシック】辻井伸行 Nobuyuki Tsujii ベートーヴェン 「悲愴」第2楽章 Beethoven Pathetique Sonata 2nd mov… https://t.co/H5vWPQZQ7V

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Spartacus creator Steven S. DeKnight reportedly directing Pacific Rim 2.

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If there ever comes a day I don't want to draw muse/girl crush (fetish wear optional) please remov…

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