MPAR S6 Finale: I look Pretty Good for a Dead Bitch

my lasy piece for mpat i decided to paint! im super proud of it and i was voted mr congeniality meaning people think im the nicest cast member

hopefully all stars comes soon so i can wreck that season >:)

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MPAR S6 Week 9: The Final Ball - Horror Genre Extravaganza

the last theme was to create an extravagant look based off a genre of horror movie and i chose supernatural horror that uses witches and paganism as their villains

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cw// body horror, injuries

MPAR S6 Week 9: The Final Ball - Gore-Splattered Beaury

for the competition, this week we have to do 3 looks, the first being final girl glamour and i wanted to play off the idea of the virgin always surviving and have him be corrupted a bit

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MPAR S6 Week 8: Fashion Fossils

lmao i forgot to post this but i was inspired by rorschach tests and wanted to use the pattern of them to give the illusion of shape in the torsoe since my assigned piece did not have shape and this is my fav face and hair ive ever done

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MPAR S6 Week 3: Predator/Prey

so uhhh,,, i placed in the bottom 2 lmao

this week we were split into pairs and challenged to create looks inspired by predator and prey duos so me and my partner iniquity (u/Cyborg_Pirate on reddit) did clams and sea otters

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MPAR S6 Week 0: Best Drag/Entrance

so the audition theme this season was "best drag" as well as sending in an out of drag waist up drawing that we could later use as our entrance and confessional pieces.

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My CYMK audition look for Ms. Paint'sArtRace. Should've taken off the mask hahaha. Feel free to critique.

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Last week's drag art, this is the piece that is worth showing, and I'm damn proud of it. I think this is my favorite piece I've done for MPAR so far. To think it evolved from a Little Black Dress idea

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This was my last week in the MPAR competition, unfortunately. But it's that time again to post my submissions for

My Hero look, a Nature Guardian type. A drawing of my partner and I's lipsync looks (to the song Dragon Days). And my "glamourous sunglasses" design.

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with my MPAR submissions from last week. Main challenge: design a look based on a bug. I chose flea because it's unconventional and challenging, and that was a mistake lol. The lipsync song was Venus Fly by Grimes, and my look saved me. Hooray~

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speaking of MPAR, i'm posting my mockups/sketches for the makeup ad challenge, cuz I'm PROUD of me, and I'm only finishing 1 of these

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Sooo I made a drag character, and did one of the old MPAR challenges, the Sea Slug inspiration runway. I'm excited to be a part of things :3

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