“Foulës in the frith,
The fishës in the flod,
And I mon waxë wod;
Much sorwe I walkë with
For beste of bon and blod”

My work bench

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Tweaked the pattern..Stretched it a little & added a join..This picture is looking thru the screen & at the sky thru the studio atrium window

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“So what did u do at the studio today dear?” Well I traced the outline of a well-washed repeating pattern of ruffling from a 1950’s Channel bedcover..”that’s nice”..

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A little eccentric & over-sized for from some recent photoshoots that I have been working on.. ..

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Buggered with a heavy cold but spent the day making body corpse bunting for a photo shoot.. ..

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Tasting vegetarian Canapés at a talk with called the "Unconventional Entrepreneur".. ..

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