sewing joke du jour 1869

“Why are you so late this morning?” we asked our boy.
He answered, “’Cos I held the candle till midnight for mother, who sat up mending stockings. She says she saw a book in the shop-window that says, ‘It’s never too late to mend.’

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on the lament of a man cast out of his home by fruit. The Women Folk are Canning Fruit.

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on a little girl convalescing at the sea-side and how she used her camera.

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on a magical path to matrimony--just one block over. "The Bridal Path: 1891"

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on a jealous husband, his cold-hearted, faithless, abominable wife, an insurance policy, and the undertaker. Hilarity ensues.

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joke du jour 1880

Young swell: “Schnieder, I should like to have my mustache dyed.”
Polite barber: “Certainly, sir; did you bring it with you?”

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on creating an impromptu sorceress fancy dress.

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tells of a new bride who realises that the honeymoon is over.

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