My Hero Academia have a character with similar powers as Kamala Khan is shame. Itsuka Kendo she has Big Fist where can stretch them yet My Hero Academia showed her potential and make her likeable sad that Marvel couldn't with Kamala Khan.

10 26

Quizás (lo dudo) algún día lleguemos a ver en la pantalla las críticas muchísimo más claras que GWW planteó en su (Volúmenes 3 y 4).

Como, por ejemplo, aquel durísimo arco en el que acusaron sin pruebas a Aamir de terrorismo, y lo dejaron a su suerte.

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"To me, my heroes." - Emma Frost (Infinity Wars

Cosmic Avengers from and 's Infinity Wars

7 50


You can dive right into the excellent comics from right now by picking up MS MARVEL: KAMALA KHAN

Available at our booth!

0 1

I love and the making of it. To see so excited about playing the part, relating to Kamala Khan is heart warming. To see the cast and amazing as an “Auntie.” This show will have a special place for me as a fan. Ty Sana Amanat🙏🏻

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Ms. Marvel Sketch.
I have to make time to watch the show
Commissioned by:

1 8

📎 O diretor de Adil El Arbi, compartilhou uma mensagem que ele e seu irmão receberam de Kevin Feige, após seu casamento e o cancelamento de seu filme original da DC para HBO Max,

"Meus amigos, eu tive que entrar em contato e dizer que estamos todos [+]

6 59

The polymorphic powers of Ms. Marvel/Kamala Khan are both a fluid and precise metaphor. The character's 2014 debut by by G. Willow Wilson & Adrian Alphona uses polymorphism to subvert tropes and tell a complex, identifiable story about intersectional identity. 1/12

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📰 | O supervisor de efeitos visuais da disse que houve um "esforço consciente" para que os poderes de Kamala Khan no MCU não fossem parecidos com os do Senhor Fantástico!

"Houve um esforço consciente para não ter como o Sr. Fantástico ou [+]

3 67

🆕️ | O novo episódio de "Avante" com os bastidores de já está disponível no Disney+.

2 27

Coming back of my holidays.
I drew a
Also, I am working on a project that I will be sharing eventually

2 4

Our own little Ms. Marvel! ⚡️💫

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