Don’t forget your friends need you, too; because we stand stronger when we stand together.

17 67

Things can only elude you for so long. Don’t give up; you’ll get what you’re after.

11 47

Always try to have the best day ever, but please remember to riff responsibly.

5 21

Are your plans Decidedly UN-Bold?

Try watching instead!

2 37

Don’t deny the smile you get when you see certain people.

12 74

Sometimes the things you “need” to do can wait until after

14 41

Even when life’s at its worst, a MSTie can never be broken.

9 34

Goodbye work & HELLO weekend!
It’s time to implement your escape plan, MSTies, because it’s time to break out & go have-
(Aw, dang it; overtime!)

7 26