Long time never draw my Madagascar OC, Tikal with Joey. Today is National Violin and Cocoa day, Tikal playing violin and Joey drinking Hot White Chocolate.

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Today is Cladean's birthday and National Beverage Day. Cladean make his own beverage. Vanilla Lavender Limeade.

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You know what, long time never draw my Madagascar OC, Lulu. And now I draw Lulu with her powerful fire bender.

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This about Alex teached Jenny to use a wordball power? Those powers are from "The Electric Company" (2009).

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I almost forgot make it new artwork about Clashy's birthday after Harry's birthday. But now he says he just wants everyone give his birthday gift tomorrow

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Today is Pi and Moonira's Birthday, while wanted eat cake, but they confuse how eating cake is too sweet even Resto give some donuts.

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