reposting older doodle cause it's Debris's 11th aniversary tomorrow and of course am gonna draw something for it but still wanted to post something cause reallyreallylovedebrisitdeservessomuchmoreattentionitsgreatthesetwoaregreatloveitsomuchplzplaydebris

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Idiot [affectionate/stopsleepingonDebrisdamnititdeservesomuchmorethanitgets]

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Woah? Sup dudes? It’s been awhile and I have Ben lore and new stickers (shouldtotallycheckoutmyredbubbletheressomuchmore) Hope y’all have an amazing day, will most likely get back into creepypasta redesigns to build up my confidence in art :,)

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BREEZE - 3D sculpt rendition of my original acrylic on canvas piece, Breeze At the Bus Stop.

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BREEZE - 3D sculpt rendition of my original acrylic on canvas piece, Breeze At the Bus Stop.

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Zim can smooch me any day~ >W> andmuchmorethanjustsmoochhfhfhf

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Pinkoi Market in Bangkok Come back เต็มเติมชีวิตแบบที่ต้องการ
ไปเจอเรา ManyMuchMore ได้ที่งานนี้เลยนะฮะ 🥰 ร่วมเปิดตัว “Hello Kappa” ได้ที่งานนี้เลย

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Hello Kappa 🥒 ManyMuchMore X Pinkoi

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I've been working really hard on a new comic for a reading this week.... bc I love to work extremely down to the wire apparently..... anyway it's on Thursday at muchmore's at 8:30 in Williamsburg pls come

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Abandoned project. Hope to get back to drawing more comics soon. Need more fun in my work life. MUCHmore fun

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Brooklyn: go 2 Muchmore's tonight and let this talented, beautiful group charm you.

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