Happy Mumarou Month! The boys are fighting!

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Went on a reading spree for (#garou x and 'Hero Diaries' is really an old gem. Best boy Garou hhhhhhhh

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So today's prompt for mumarou m0nth is 'Creatures AU' and...I guess....this is as good as it's gona get lmao
"Don't talk to me or my glowy eyed worm boyfriend ever again."
Sketched with pencil/pen and paper then used app to colour.

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Mumarou Month prompt 22: College AU!
Sports boys doing some study.

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Prompt 21: Jewelry
Harnesses are totally jewellery now. I mean, there are rings and they're made of metal, so it counts.
Bonus tiny shorts for Mum3n (devil shorts, minus the tail)

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Prompt 20: Suits/Formal wear
Something for business, something for smart-casual, something for a Special Event...

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Prompt 19: Halloween costumes
A choice of three, to suit various levels of thirst.

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Doing something different for this week's prompts: Paper dolls!
Today is Prompt 15: Glasses ( + basic paper dolls for the future). Will post the rest in this thread over the week!

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Mumarou month prompt 7 - Marriage/Wedding!

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Mumarou Month day 5: Holding Hands! ft a Garou who not-so-casually reached over and went for it.

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day 2: Sleep Cute! Sort of a scene from Survivors (https://t.co/HpX5GWpzmE)

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Title: Purificación
Author: Sad Cherry
Language: Spanish
Year: 2020
Satoru (Mumen Rider) encuentra herido a Garou.Ddecide que lo correcto es ayudarlo a recuperarse pues no lo considera una amenaza.
Garou despierta confundido y a la defensiva.

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A watercolour that I drew/painted for mumarou month. Wrote a little scene to go with it: https://t.co/ElQ2vSOKqE

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Some drawn back in August for Posted on tumblr but posting here didn't occur. So here are some boys, drawn badly with pencils and pens.

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art, roommates, parenthood, and anniversary

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