its murderstuck all over again 😔

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Karkat during Murderstuck be like. And yes, I did this meme when I read it myself for the first time

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I did a gamz previously so here's a chill gamz to contrast murderstuck gamz lmao

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Anyway so I have this hc that davekat would adopt the descendants of the trolls who d worded during murderstuck and here are some designs. In order, gamzees, eridans, feferis, and nepetas descendant

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"sucked into homestuck" is a fanventure about a girl that gets zapped into hs canon and fucks. shit. up. specifically she RETCONS MURDERSTUCK and STOPS ANYONE FROM DYING. yes, everyone is in love with her. yes, she punches vriska and calls her a bitch. yes, it is fucking amazing

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Hmmmmmaking something to kickmyself alive And here is the murderstuck trio! Might turn them into stickers, we will see

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Murderstuck 😔

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