five page update, this chapter is FINISHED!!! Finally! Check replies for the rest of the pages. Links in the replies as well as a brief announcement.

4 13

update day and I got TWO pages, replies will have the link to the comic!

2 6

update day! I'm now realizing I did not post last week's update on twitter oop, check replies for link to the comic!

4 5

check replies to find the link to the comic

5 6

update AGAINNN check replies for the link to the comic--

1 3

Dopple update for , check replies for links to the comic!

5 12

update cool stuff coming
check replies for links to the story to know what the hell is happening

3 11

Ay three page update, link in the replies!

4 9

update! Fun with knife.
Link to the comic in replies!

4 14

ayyyy it's still saturday so I ain't late. update! Again, check replies for the links to the whole comic!

4 9

DOUBLE update! Check replies for links to the whole comic, drop a sub/comment/like/gold-bullion if ya liked it!

6 25

New page! Check replies for the whole comic, links to tapas and webtoons.

6 12

This is page 13 of chapter 9! Read from the start with the links in replies!

3 6

Pg 11! I almost forgot to upload oop

2 7

New page of is up! Give it sub or like on tapas/webtoons if you like it! Links in replies.

6 13

Page 6 of the new chapter of

Links to tapas and webtoons in the replies. Give it a share/comment if you like it!

7 12

Grippa the Penitent. A flagellant ollower of the lost god Penitas, who promises redemption to those who need it, in exchange for a little suffering.

Only if ya wanna tho.
That big ol' staff with the detachable whip is called an Anchor!

6 15

Some concepting for the school nurse character who'll appear in Murky Deeds soon enough!

1 12

Murky Deeds update for Saturday 10/09/21! Again, new page next week. I'll leave the link to the whole comic in replies! Use on my profile to find more pages here if you'd prefer that, but everything prior is on either tapas/webtoons!

4 13