‘The history we tell in our displays is only one side of a shared history, and we are committed to changing this.’

Curator explains how we are addressing silences & mistruths in a new blog: https://t.co/hnIGGSSR1n

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visiting exhibition “Temporary Spaces of Joy & Freedom” sparked me to immediately re-read Leanne Betasamosake Simpson’s “As We Have Always Done: Indigenous Freedom Through Radical Resistance”

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I made a thing! It's an infographic: Scale of Effective Activism Here's a snapshot of it, DM for the complete picture.

PS - I'm clearly not a designer, don't @ me. Unless you want to collab on making pretty pretty infographics.

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Using VR to draw botanical prints from by women artists. Only drawing urban edible plants native to downtown Mpls. Will work w teens to create VR urban edible wild food archive & artwork.

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