DearMyLove(@ dearmylove_yume)と楔 すふえ(@ kusabi_suhue)がコラボ⁉️(嘘)



8 25


20 67


3 85

smile at the seaside cafe with A-Heart 167!

Her smile is brighter than the summer sunlight.
Let's W piece together!

Decent accepts payments in ETH, Optimism, Polygon and Arbitrum.
Just hit the pay now button!

🏖️Open Edition
🌴0.0019 ETH‼️
🍹Aug 30th 2023


30 77

A-Heart 167ちゃん仕上げましたo((^▽^))o✨背景は5月に作ったものです。

1枚目をオープンエディション0.0019ETH (Optimism)予定。明日やります。

12 27

8日(土)アメリカ村DROP 9:55

①UPs 11:00
②UPs 14:00
③amHALL 20:00

5 8

6月24日(土)枚方 山田池公園・多目的広場
9:30~16:30 15:50出演


7 23

Welcome, this is AHE-art!

sneak-peek of 1/1 by sumeshi

His name is Meow.
he looks dignified and strong, but it seems he was no match for AHE.

4 18

GN everyone!
AHE hair ornament shines!
sneak-peek of random generative art
(This is a prototype and there is no guarantee that it will be adopted)

6 21

Welcome, this is AHE-art!

sneak-peek of 1/1 by sumeshi

Her name is Kanmi. kanmi means wagashi. She seems very serious, but of course she is also an AHE...!

2 14

GA everyone!
sneak-peek of random generative art
(This is a prototype and there is no guarantee that it will be adopted)

9 37

Welcome, this is AHE-art!

sneak-peek of 1/1 by sumeshi

This cat's name is Wen!
Wen is a cute little cat with odd eyes and cat ears.

If you would like to see Wen in short pants, please visit our official website!

8 31

Welcome, this is AHE-art!

sneak-peek of 1/1 by sumeshi

Her name is Olive.
How did she, a neat and tidy maid, come to AHE? The mystery lies beyond the universe. The Big Bang🌍

4 19

Welcome, this is AHE-art!

sneak-peek of 1/1 by sumeshi

Her name is Kokoro.
Please enjoy her and her friendly friends' fun AHE.

14 43

Kyot ng mga bunso~🥹🫶❤️‍🔥

10 26

GM everyone!
This sneak-peek includes parts of MEGAMI

sneak-peek of random generative art
(This is a prototype and there is no guarantee that it will be adopted)

5 28

GM everyone!
sneak-peek of random generative art
(This is a prototype and there is no guarantee that it will be adopted)

7 28

GE everyone!
sneak-peek of random generative art
(This is a prototype and there is no guarantee that it will be adopted)

5 15