cattedgorl for @/vremyanova

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The founding father was a Nyascian! And he created the Empire solely for the purpose of producing cat food! (neco-selch commission for @/vremyanova. sorry)

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finished design for @/vremyanova!

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Commissioned by @/vremyanova and @/KokkunRimu! Thank you for commissioning me ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ💕

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←|雪葉 栞ちゃん(by @myanoshifinal)
→|Jauneちゃん(by pixiv:17500117)

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←|友人達と考案してできた のユーリヤちゃん

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Some oldies you've probably all seen, except one..
1. house in dark woods (from a photo by Igor Kamyanov)
2. foggy evening at the sea. (just for me!)
3. lane to Rotherhithe (for )
4. abandoned farmyard (sold)

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chibi commissions for vremyanova and ellapatuti_ 💖

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Colonel Semyanov leads a secret mission to betray S.H.I.E.L.D. and ally with Zaladane in exchange for the revenge-killing of Magneto who, in UXM destroyed the Soviet submarine Leningrad when it threatened him with nuclear missiles. 3/7

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In 2011, Igor Kamyanov allowed me to use three of his photographs on flickr as origins for my paintings/drawings.

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GloomyANon = IS HIM (I am* oh my god) FREAKING GLOOMY?

1 12

Good morning dear friends,
Have a beautiful monday everyone🌹🌻🌻

MYANO # 3 by CYRILLIA © 2020 All rights reserved

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Commission for vremyanova

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Oil painting by Yury Demyanov

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