Y si, me encanta hacer dibujos de mi estilo basados en escenas de Dragon Ball...
Y es más divertido invitar a mis amigos a la fiesta jejeje.😁😁🐉

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"BeastKnight and the Halcandra Spells"

Asides of being the warrior who fought for protecting the Galaxy.... Kirnum also can use the Halcandra's Dark Magic..

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Here ye go 🤗🍀✨fanarts of Erahase
I had fun upon discovering cell shading phase~~
Also, thank you for joining 😆💐

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"Hollow's Despair"
Hollow was created by the Deep Negativity of human's thought and heart...
This Hollow (Smiley) were exist after the long wars at their young age...

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Drawing of Demencia from just because🥰🥰🥰
I really should draw her more often🖤💚🖤💚💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚🖤💚💚🖤

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