Saw this trending so here I am :3 gain the courage to take my art more seriously and make the leap to start carving out my own career!

...but my friends and family helped even more. Especially my mom. And since she lurks on my twitter, thank you. I love you.💜

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meet the love of my life, find lifelong friends, remind me that I can make something amazing with effort and I only want to give that back with and my music. I see so many kind words from followers I can't help but tear up a little.
(Art: )

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distracted me as I faced alot of firsts without my Mum.
distracted me again when my Dad passed away.
gave me joy as I lost my Favourite Aunty during a lockdown.
Finally the is my 1 n only fandom 😘

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i met so many wonderful people, polished my english, got opportunity to do what i love long term (and as a job) and my skill in art just sky rocketed for past 6 months

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Meeting friends and it’s genuinely helped inspire me so much. I’m so lucky to have met and learned from so many wonderful people.

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As a young, autistic kid, I was abused at home and had an awful time in school. For the first time, in the community, people truly cared about me even though I was different.

That's why I made Furry Valley, so no one has to feel like I did. ❤️

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Besides all the bad stuff that I experienced

Every fandom I was in has helped me to connect with others, improve my art and to make friends

Every piece is associated with a fandom

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find some of my closest friends, improve my art skills an insane amount + gain actual job opportunities!
with every fandom comes a lot of negativity but this community helped me so much and quite literally saved me, since i didnt have a safe plan for the future

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