Do any vtubers want to be myoochooals with me? I am feeling very lonelee toonite 👉👈

Need more frends pls

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I was thinking... What if UT had a wizarding Academy like in the Harry Potter movies...

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got tagged 2 do an "art i am proud of" thing (ty @/kaleidoru !) .... big question lmao
i tend to have the most fun when i am just going ape making self-indulgent shit that only i find interesting or funny

I DONT KNOW WHO 2 TAG so if any of my myoochuals want an excuse go 4 it

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喜歡純TT的請略過不看 我腦內就是PE的人設在画的
開開心心正大光明拋棄肌肉 用可愛開車上路

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🐣🌏myOOC PE
對不起鵝子 媽媽想法這麼污wwwwwww

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