
79 405

is a lot, and I mean A LOT more than mere AU and I wish more people understood that.

Just a post to celebrate this ship and the love it deserves! 💙❤️ If you fancy, comment with something you think makes this ship one of a kind!

2 10

噢噢我好喜歡米奈 終於畫好了第一張米奈了 呀吼

34 167

and appreciation post! For the people who ship all 3(which are the majority of the fandom! Don't listen to haters!)

Interactive post: if you fancy, comment what things are your favourite in each ship!

7 57

I swear your art is AMAZING! Mystwalker/Edo Jerza next? You've never drawn them (≧◡≦)

Thanks for all these doodles anyway!

1 58

Amazing art! I hope some day you'll make some Mystwalker doodle as well! (⌒▽⌒)

1 33

Thanks for these drawings! Mystwalker doodle some day? 😝

1 27

Mystogan and Erza, and Knightwalker and Jellal would make great friends. Each pair have so much in common!

Not even mentioning Jellal/Mystogan and Scarlet/Knightwalker, they'd get along SO well!

4 36

Look at them!
He's strong. She's strong. Together they're strongest!

Such a power couple, Mystwalker is indeed a beautiful ship! 💙❤️

6 51

Mystogan appreciation post!

-hid his real identity most of his life and lived as a loner, all for Erza's sake
-always helped FT, never asked for credit


4 14

edo "#Jerza"
Был у меня во рту один хуй.
Может, в роте?
Нет. Мудак избил меня
и хотел ссильничать.
Я ему хуй и отгрызла,
Ты молодец. Спасибо,
что доверилась мне.
...спасибо, что выслушали.

6 28

When I use the hastag for something irrelevant: tweet stays up as latest tweet for half a day

When I use the Jerza hastag to promote my ficts/art: post gets buried within minutes 😂🥲

Oh well https://t.co/AW0Z80pL9s

4 15



但Mystwalker的關係看起來還處在曖昧階段 感覺進展真的偏慢⋯


因為不確定 所以目前都只畫姐夫變成小寶寶

0 21

Jerza, Mystwalker and Jelsie appreciation post: for people who ship all 3 indiscriminately! 💙❤️

Let's spread love, not hate, within the fandom.

6 18

Happy Jellal is best Jellal! This character has suffered WAY too much. I hope Jerza (and Mystwalker 😛) can have a happy life! 💙❤️

1 37

Jerza, Mystwalker, Jelsie...I love them in any way, shape and form. Thank you for creating such a wonderful ship! 💙❤️

0 36