A quick sketch of my new lovely Nelf, Nath’Ralyn Mystwalker - created and designed by 💕 thank you again for letting my adopt this gorgeous gal!

17 99

Oh, please... let Mystwalker be a canon couple. King and Queen of Édolas, I really want to see Erza's reaction if she sees them. 😹❤💙 She is such a dork with love stuff. Please.... please... 🤞😭🙌💙❤

7 43

Loved this chapter!!! Hope my ship (Mystwalker/Edo Jerza) is doing OK 💙❤️

4 27

Sooo...I can't believe I'm saying this but I've updated my / Edo recently. Planning to keep updating it and to add more Jerza fanfictions.
If you're interested, please go take a look! https://t.co/AW0Z80pL9s

1 2

He is so handsome. 💙 With his hair so long he reminds more to Sieghart. ☺

Finding the right color palette for this outfit was a nightmare. Lol. Hope you like it!! 💙❤😊

My coloring.

8 50


I love this... 😭🤧❤💙

12 65

ATTENTION SHIPPERS! In a few days, it's gonna be When it's october 27 in your location, start tweeting, tagging and RT anything related! and tags are welcome too! Let's celebrate this ship with the love it deserves! Let's trend this tag too!

15 53

Jerza, Mystwalker, Jelsie...I love them in any way, shape and form. Thank you for creating such a wonderful ship! 💙❤️

0 36

Happy Jellal is best Jellal! This character has suffered WAY too much. I hope Jerza (and Mystwalker 😛) can have a happy life! 💙❤️

1 37

Jerza, Mystwalker and Jelsie appreciation post: for people who ship all 3 indiscriminately! 💙❤️

Let's spread love, not hate, within the fandom.

6 18



但Mystwalker的關係看起來還處在曖昧階段 感覺進展真的偏慢⋯


因為不確定 所以目前都只畫姐夫變成小寶寶

0 21

When I use the hastag for something irrelevant: tweet stays up as latest tweet for half a day

When I use the Jerza hastag to promote my ficts/art: post gets buried within minutes 😂🥲

Oh well https://t.co/AW0Z80pL9s

4 15

edo "#Jerza"
Был у меня во рту один хуй.
Может, в роте?
Нет. Мудак избил меня
и хотел ссильничать.
Я ему хуй и отгрызла,
Ты молодец. Спасибо,
что доверилась мне.
...спасибо, что выслушали.

6 28

Mystogan appreciation post!

-hid his real identity most of his life and lived as a loner, all for Erza's sake
-always helped FT, never asked for credit


4 14

Look at them!
He's strong. She's strong. Together they're strongest!

Such a power couple, Mystwalker is indeed a beautiful ship! 💙❤️

6 51

Mystogan and Erza, and Knightwalker and Jellal would make great friends. Each pair have so much in common!

Not even mentioning Jellal/Mystogan and Scarlet/Knightwalker, they'd get along SO well!

4 36