Congratulations to MengHualu.. It is Beijing Satellite TV's drama of 2022.
Top 10
1. AdreamofSplendor
2. StoryofXingfu
3. Lifelongjourney
4. ImperialAge
5. OrdinaryGreatness
6. MySuperhero
7. ModernMarriage
8. Nicetomeetyouagain
9. NeuronDoctors
10. Examinationforeveryone

4 6

Who is your fav

Mine is Miki
now available on

RTs are much appreciated,
thank you so much for the support!

Hope you like it ❤

3 10

are always around us. They come in various avatars and live up to their never-say-die-spirit. Wishing all the superheroes around us a

0 0

I would consider a superhero. She has saved me many times... in more ways that one.

13 68

"zayn's feeling 22"

you know you're in the right fandom

when this happens

612 259