Troll - Ancient Norse creatures who live in mountains and caves, and are dangerous to humans

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Jinn - Arabian spirits, which come in many different shapes, many of which have magic powers

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Mermaid - Adopted by many cultures throughout history, as early as 2000 BCE

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Cockatrice - European beast hatched from the egg of a rooster, incubated by a snake, whose glare or breath can kill

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Satyr - Ancient Greek nature spirit, companions of the god Dionysus

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Phoenix - Ancient Greek creature which bursts into flames upon death, and is then reborn from the ashes

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Medusa - Ancient Greek monster, one of the 3 gorgons whose gaze will turn you into stone

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Cyclops - Ancient Greek monsters, featured in many works of literature and art⁠

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Taweret - Ancient Egyptian goddess of childbirth and fertility

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Sphinx - Ancient Egyptian creature who guarded temples, and had a knack for riddles

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Anubis - Ancient Egyptian god of death, who protected, guided, and judged the dead

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Gryphon - Ancient Egyptian/Iranian that was adopted by many cultures throughout history. Part eagle, part lion.⁠

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