N probably wanted to rep the Unova dragons with that SS outfit....and icb Vairom real....

Unova VA outfits giving me some ideas...esp for MoU characters bc Nina would rock that SS suit despite the differences compared to Hilda

54 233

"This seaside route is famous for sandbars that cross the ocean."

25 117

Twin princes (Zekrias and Reshai Harmonia) being kids, feat. Lilion (the girl asking the question)

12 91

Just a casual trainer outfit for Iris that isn't just a re-use of her BW outfit

26 132

I still think about how I made up time-space anomalies as a consequence of "Team Galactic" stuff in my nuzcomic flashback sequence in 2015...aka before PLA and their space-time rifts...

16 131

New Zach and Laila alt designs dropped, been waiting til release date to saw this LOL

88 433

Thank you PLA for basically saying its valid to design a Pokemon character's ancestor to be very similar looking to the character in question bc man now my N ancestor design I did for doesn't look so lame LOL

Tried out the art style kinda

74 387

"Partners" feat. Colress and Ghetsis (not dead)

20 149

Uses the Pokemon Evolutions 5th gen short to draw out my hcs for Ghetsis's scars that I had in mind for and just in general lol

51 441

Ghetsis is a ho but man his BW look with that Hydreigon really hits different

36 180

Zach and Nina but dressed as characters :]

40 291

Anniversary N + Hilda...(Not really it's actually Nina from my nuzcomic but that's a personal bias LOL)

Also just an excuse to draw the Zekrom suit in the anniversary fashion style

158 601