Waiting for battlepass be like... - /u/snabriel_snarsch https://t.co/xSYQ0ZIFU7

4 25

You want Snabriel content? You got it.
Original concept by Gabriel of course.

3 25

Nathan: *insults.
a classic.😂

Nathan and Gabriel from HalfBad written by

16 43

Netflix japan just released a new dragon's blood poster - /u/snabriel_snarsch https://t.co/jygFpqeTG2

3 26

Shower thoughts:
Ever think Nabrieles tried to be a 'cool Ascian' and get himself the nickname Dabrieles?

Too bad he was just copying Emet.

0 4

& form
I wanted to finish some old unpublished work 💚💙💜

2 19

been thinking about half bad a lot lately again....especially nathan and gabriel......especially them....kissing...

3 11

commission for azartti @ tumblr (& bonus thank u doodle)

3 6