YooOOO my entry for 's DTIYS!!

congrats for ur 1.5 K+++ followers, (sekarang udh lebih bgt 😆🤟)

Dsr deadliner huehuehue

28 112

[tolong jangan ditungguin, ini emang blur karena salah ukuran]

maaf kak nau ini nge blur 😔 padahal OC nya cantik banget banget banget 😔💖 congratss kak nauuu 💖❤

5 34

Last minute entry (´,,•ω•,,)

Joining 's DTIYS!
Congrats for the 2000++ folls✨

22 95

Joining dtiys!!!

Aku si tahu bulat alias suka dadakan mepet deadline wkwkwk. Gatau deh ini jadinya mirip/sesuai apa ngga, seengganya aku keluar dari artblock dulu wkwkwk


9 37

Joining 's genderbend ver karna gk bisa gambar cewe 👁️👄👁️💦, sengaja up jam segini biar flop 👁️👁️💦,, ngerjainnya ngebut banget, padahal pengen bikin fullbody 😭, HOPE YOU LIKE ITT NAUUU 😭😭😭💞❤️💕❤️💖💞💞💗💗❤️💞💗❤️🌻🌻✨✨

48 147

selamat 1,5k+ followers nauuu 💖🤗 sekarang udah 2k+ selamat lagi😭💖

here princess mona🌙 hope you like it💕💞

9 25

Halo halo, akhirnya bikin Tuan Putri Mona, anaknya
Untung deadlinenya diperpanjang, jdi bisa ikutan huhuhu im really happy 😭
Btw, selamat Nau untuk pencapaiannya, i hope u enjoy my drawing 😆 and have a nice day

8 27

Joined Congratulations for the milestones, !!!✨ Thank you for extending this event and sorry for changing the colors into more vibrant colors😭💦 I can't help but droo Mona so freely and joyfully 'cause she's cute🥺💕✨ Hope you like it!✨

46 109

Ayey ikutan dtiysnya semoga ga telat👉👈
Congrats buat 1,5k sekarang udah 2,7k kalo gasalah(?) Sukses terus buat nau💕💕💕

42 174

Reposting 's DTIYS with the original work because i forgot to...lmaoo, my bad it was late at night

7 20

Congratulaiton for ur 1.5k (now 2.7k) followers
This is mine. I hope u like it 👉♥️👈

13 34

Pspsps aku mau ikutan juga sebelum tutuppp :)))

Congratz ya Nauu 🎉🎉 Mona's so kyuttt I can't >_<
Hope you like it!

13 48

Joining dtiys!😄💞. Coloringnya abal² maaf :( aku emg belum nemu style coloring yang cocok sama selera aku :( but i had a lot of fun (and pain) drawing mona tho. Thank you nau for holding this dtiys!💖

20 65

setelah maju mundur akhirnya ikutan juga nya !! really love the oc! mona super duper cantikk💖🌙 daan selamat atas 1.5k++ nyaa <333

3 35

My entry for ~(つˆДˆ)つ。☆
I really love how u pick ur colors nauuu 😣😣 pretty and charming✨✨✨✨

Hope u like it ❤️

3 9

My entry for seada adanya aja ueue. Congrats 1.5k followers tapi dah jebol 2.5k++💛 yey *kembang api meledak ledak*

15 93

Mona, Princess of the Moon 🌕

Joining congrats Nau for 1.5k followers tapi sekarang udah 2.5k+ anjay mantap Nau si penyuplai teh ✨✨💖💖🔥🔥

awalnya mau gaikutan soalnya sibuk tapi deadline diundur jadi yasudah fufufufu

78 284

Congrats for 2.5 followers on twt Ka Nau✨

ini pertama kalinya aku ikut Dtiys ternyata seru juga yaaa😳

hope u like it😻💜

6 28

Tsuki no hime: Mona🌛
Monmap atas ke enggakompetenan jemari ini karena uda lama gagambar 👉👈 But here is my entry for your with a lil Japanese touch (haha) and congrats for your 2.4k dear ❤

4 10