Rush is Zandra's son from the future who is interested in researching time travel. Because of his upbringing during times of war, he often tries to act tough, even at a young age.

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Luneya is a very obedient Tano who follows through with orders no matter what. Because her brother is Garlint, she takes orders from him very seriously and will do whatever it takes to protect him. She bestows this same attitude into her son Shintiku.

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Handew is a polite and studious young boy who always asks questions for clarification. He's one of Waga's wings, so he's constantly asking him questions, though he wouldn't dare talk back or talk out of turn when around him.

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Kominushu is the kind-hearted younger sister of Trekkon who looks up to him. She is very calm and gentle and likes to see the good in others.

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Del is a dedicated young woman who was trained by Daymo when she was younger. Since then, she's broken away from Outlaw Bar and pursued work at Mantra. Del specializes in stealth and often accepts jobs where she can exercise this specialty.

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Uma is an angry young demon who keeps to herself for the most part.

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Alistair is Amelia's strict father who often looks down on her. He has very high expectations for her, and when she doesn't meet them, he becomes extremely disappointed and critical.

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Death is an evil creature that has killed countless people throughout The Worlds.

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