Naegiri Week Day 7: Festival

i had lots of fun drawing!

aight i'm just gonna *awkwardly leaves*

12 44

Naegiri Week Day 6: Date

ngl,, i'm actually proud of this :'D
and it's probably my favorite out of the rest??

14 51

Naegiri Week Day 5: Touch

*awkwardly writes this caption*
hi uh,, sorry for posting this,, uncensored,, 😔 but it's really not that bad lmao

13 51

Naegiri Week Day 7: festival

They’re having fun trying out the stalls at HPA’s festival

6 34

Naegiri Week Day 6: Date ❄️☃️❄️
Naegi watch out there’s ice right in front of you-

7 33

“It became my hope”
Naegiri Week day 5: touch! (Aka the moment I lost my damn mind in the anime)

5 22

Naegiri Week day 4: Rain ☔️

What bad luck to have your date rained out!

0 6

Naegiri Week Day 3: Sunset

they're watching a sunset together jdhjsdhsj 💞💖

7 34

Naegiri Week Day 2: Work

they just finished their work 👀

12 32

Naegiri Week Day 1: Sweet

HSHSJA AH FRICK IT 😭✋ but anyway,, THEM 💞💖

10 32