Alpha designs for the next game! These are...bound to change for sure, but, hey! 👀 ✨

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These are some of my first watercolor experiments-- featuring Witches, from our game Hearithen!!💖

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🌟Hearithen is now available on the Google Play Store!!🌟
Raise up to 4 Witches at once, help them be their best self!!
Download for PC and Android!
Download for Android (Play Store)

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Hey! Bico here, I was thinking on new alpha pet designs for the next release and I decided to spice it up by doing watercolors! 🌟
I shall name this one... Pompomin!

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♣️A walk through the Fire Terrains! ♣️ (Done by Bico!)

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Our artist Bico (currently writing this! 🌟) has begun doing watercolors and drew our lovely Earth Toddler, Terkin! ♦️

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♦️♦️The Earth Child, Terkin♦️♦️

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♣️ The Fire Tribe have strong emotions-- controlling them can be hard,but it makes them passionate about everything they do ♣️

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♠️♠️The Air Child, Aerie♠️♠️

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♦️Neglect your Witch enough, and their Tribe will come and take it away from your care, never to be seen again.
Nobody needs toxicity in their life, specially growing up♦️

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♠️ Although it depends on the individual, Witches are social creatures, and need to socialize often to feel in tip-top shape! ♠️

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♠️ One of the Air Tribe's favorite passtimes is singing! Through melodies they prove their worth to others, and compete to see who's voice is best ♠️

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♣️ Since they don't have a proper digestive system, the Fire Tribe either melts or burns their meals to properly digest their food and the mana found within.♣️

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♦️Due to the Earth Witches' high metabolism, their diet consists on high calory foods, usually found deep within their mana-rich forests ♦️

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♠️ The Air Tribe spends most of their time playing on warm air currents. They're nomadic, and once the Eggs are laid the parents abandon the nest ♠️

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♣️ Everything in life must grow and mature, including Witches! They start as Hatchlings, become Children, turn to Apprentices, then full-grown Witches! ♣️

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