Nana Fanart
Dec 3, 2021 - Feb 25, 2021
The app suddenly closes and forgot to hit save😭😔. So i did da rendering twice.

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Nana || Mobile Legends || MLBB
¬Ya termine este dibujo que me costó el alma ❤

Las tartas de manzana son las mejores cosas que hay



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I just love her character. She's sooo cute..🦝🦝🦊🦊
🦝 Adventures waiting for us🦊

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所… 这是我2020年的绘画,我想我会画2021年版本www (Seriously- I'm kinda bad at chinese tho lmao)

Nana - Mobile Legends Bang Bang, in school uniform with long hair

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Aaaahw, sleeping so peacefully... His body is so strong and makes me so safe.
They didn't watch the movie until the end 🤭😄

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Pequeño edit de Nana con su versión normal xd y la de sangrita

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